Welcome to Ma Qi’s Homepage!

Hi! This is Ma, Qi’s Homepage!


Bounjour! C’est la page d’accueil personelle de Ma, Qi!


I am currently a PhD student at Department of Mathematics, Rutgers University. My researches focus on PDE and analysis under the supervision of Mr. Yanyan Li.

Find CV here

I am also interested in the topics of functional analysis and geometric analysis.


  • 2020 Sept-2023 Jun, Wuhan University, Bachelor of Science. Transcript
  • 2023 Sept-2024 Jun, Université Toulouse III, Master 1 of Mathematics. Transcript
  • 2024 Sept-Now, Rutgers University, PhD



  • qi.ma@rutgers.edu

  • ma.qi.math@gmail.com

  • mq_luojia@whu.edu.cn

Social Media

  • Wechat: maqi_math

  • QQ:2524402517

Honors and awards

In Wuhan University:

  • Chinese Mathematical Competition, No.11 in the final round. 2023 May

  • St.Yau’s Mathematical Competition, Excellent Prize in PDE and analysis. 2022 Aug, 2023 May

  • Laureate: National Fellowship. 2022 Oct.

  • Laureate: YingNuo Fellowship for Hongyi Honor Student. 2023 Oct

  • Laureate: Wuhan University Outstanding Graduates. 2024 Jun

  • Laureate: WHU Excellent Students Fellowship, 2021 Oct, 2022 Oct, 2023 Oct
